
戒煙達人 iOS版下載

戒煙達人 Android版下載


戒煙達人無煙文化是香港社會的大趨勢,市民對戒煙服務的需求亦愈見增加。衞生署控煙酒辦公室特此推出戒煙達人 iPhone 應用程式幫助吸煙者戒煙。

戒煙者–此應用程式包含豐富的戒煙資訊, 並透過「明星話你知」和「抗煙癮」等功能為你打氣。我們亦會根據你的吸煙習慣建議適合的療程, 跟進你的戒煙進度及定時發出提示訊息, 助你成為戒煙達人。



Together, we can create a smoke-free Hong Kong. The Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office of the Department of Health is launching this Quit Smoking App to assist smokers to overcome tobacco dependence.

For Quitters
This app helps you understand the hazards of tobacco, introduces quitting method and offers you tips to cope with withdrawal symptoms through video clips featuring local celebrities. The app will also offer appropriate quitting advice, keep track of your quitting progress and issue regular reminders according to your smoking habit.

For Non-smokers
Non-smokers can learn more about quitting smoking and recommend it to your family and friends.

The English version is available now!

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