
  • App : WordPress for iOS,Android
  • 版本 : 14.1
  • 年齡分級 : 12+
  • 開發人員 : Automattic | App 支援

WordPress iOS版下載

WordPress Android版下載


WordPressManage or create your WordPress blog or website right from your iOS device: create and edit posts and pages, upload your favorite photos and videos, view stats and reply to comments.

With WordPress for iOS, you have the power to publish in the palm of your hand. Draft a spontaneous haiku from the couch. Snap and post a photo on your lunch break. Respond to your latest comments, or check your stats to see what new countries today’s visitors are coming from.

WordPress for iOS is an Open Source project, which means you too can contribute to its development. Learn more at https://apps.wordpress.com/contribute/.

WordPress for iOS supports WordPress.com and self-hosted WordPress.org sites running WordPress 4.0 or higher.

Need help with the app? Visit the forums at https://ios.forums.wordpress.org/ or tweet us @WordPressiOS.

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