來電管傢 Call Guard

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來電管傢 Call Guard介紹

來電管傢 Call GuardSmarTone一向著重客戶私隱,「來電管傢」服務不會及不需要儲存用戶通訊錄。「來電管傢」自推出以來#已成功隔絕超過1億個滋擾來電,未來亦將繼續無間斷為你阻截,讓你免受滋擾。

1) 滋擾來電:透過所有用戶一齊參與,隻需一按就可以將最後接通嘅滋擾來電舉報。不斷更新嘅滋擾來電名單,可有效幫大傢免受滋擾。
2) 海外來電提示:接聽電話時你可以識別某來電由海外打入。
3) 隻限VIP:隻接通你重視嘅人打畀你嘅來電,其他來電者則自動轉駁至留言信箱 。
4) 黑名單:拒接喺你黑名單內嘅來電者。
5) 拒接停示來電:阻截所有停示來電,同時我哋亦畀你可以選擇接聽海外停示來電 。

* 來電管傢透過SmarTone網絡阻截滋擾來電,令佢接駁唔到去你部手機。呢個服務隻提供畀SmarTone客戶。
* 呢個服務須配合相關條款使用
電郵: [email protected]
査詢: (852) 2281 8841

1. 請致電(852) 2281 8841 或親臨任何門市辦理相關手續
2. 下載及安裝「來電管傢」app到你的iPhone
3. 開啓app,並按個人需要選用各種功能

 SmarTone is committed to protecting your privacy, and our Call Guard service never saves your contact lists. Call Guard has blocked over 100 million junk calls since its launch#, and will continue to provide a hassle-free service to protect you from unwanted calls.

Call Guard has 5 key features:
1) Junk Calls: Enjoy effective junk call blocking through our ever-expanding user-contributed database. Contribute to the database yourself by reporting the last junk call received with a tap.
2) Overseas Call Notification: Enable you to identify calls from overseas when you pick up the call,
3) VIP Only: A VIP list that only lets the people you care about reach you directly and forwards all other calls to voicemail.
4) Black List: Your own personalised list to block people you don't want to hear from.
5) Bar Withheld Numbers: Block all incoming calls with a hidden caller ID. We also offer the flexibility for you to receive international calls even if the caller ID is hidden.

*Call Guard uses SmarTone’s network to block junk calls before they get to you. This service is exclusive to SmarTone users.
* Terms and conditions apply to this service.
Email: [email protected]
Enquiry: (852) 2281 8841
# launched in Aug 2011

To activate the service:
1. Please call (852) 2281 8841 or visit any of our stores
2. Download and install the "Call Guard" app in your iPhone
3. Open the app and choose from a variety of functions, based on your needs

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