MedAire TeleConsultation

  • App : MedAire TeleConsultation for iOS,Android
  • 版本 :
  • 年齡分級 : 4+
  • 開發人員 : MedAire | App 支援

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MedAire TeleConsultation Android版下載

MedAire TeleConsultation介紹

MedAire TeleConsultationAirlines with MedAire’s Crew Support membership have access to the Crew Support TeleConsultation app which enables 24/7 access to a video consultation with a qualified medical professional.  After initially contacting MedAire for assistance, crew members can use this app to enable a video consult with a qualified medical provider within the MedAire network. As always, should MedAire recommend a crew member see a medical professional, MedAire will arrange the visit and ensure guarantee of payment.

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