Learn English by Conversation

  • App : Learn English by Conversation for iOS,Android
  • 版本 : 4.32
  • 年齡分級 : 4+
  • 開發人員 : Duong Nguyen | App 支援

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Learn English by Conversation介紹

Learn English by Conversation• BBC Learning English
Learning English for BBC is free app to learn English and improve your English Listening, English Grammar, English Vocabulary from BBC Learning English.

– Learn English through simple English Conversations from BBC Learning English Program: 6 Minute English, English At Work, The English We Speak…
– Each lesson comes with audio, transcript and vocabulary list, which help you to improve your English Grammar and expand your English Vocabulary.
– You can test your English through fun English Quiz and Test.

– 9 categories from BBC Learning English Program with audio, transcript, exercise and quiz.
– Auto scroll lyric for transcript.
– Support English Dictionary.
– Auto update new lessons.

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