香港交通易 Lite

  • App : 香港交通易 Lite for iOS,Android
  • 版本 : 2.8
  • 年齡分級 : 4+
  • 開發人員 : TechmaxApp | App 支援

香港交通易 Lite iOS版下載

香港交通易 Lite Android版下載

香港交通易 Lite介紹

香港交通易 Lite[ 香港政府資料一線通 – 應用大賽 – 傑出用戶體驗 APP]



– 通過在地圖上顯示路線及車位站置,支援GPS,可以輕鬆地找到目標車站
– 通過地圖上的GPS追蹤功能,確切地知道下一站在哪裡,不會再落錯巴士 
– 通過街景功能,可以預覽街道的樣子,對目標位置有更好的概念,更容易找到目標位置

– 交通消息推送通知
– 實時香港交通閉路電視快拍
– 交通快拍: 支援預設8組快拍書簽
– 實時交通新聞
– 天氣消息: 氣溫,濕度,空氣健康指數, 天氣預測, 七天天氣預報
– 本地新聞: 支援語音功能, 可將新聞讀出, 方便聽新聞
– 行車時間顯示器 (包括過海隧道)
– 全港巴士路線資訊及巴士站位置
– 綠色小巴,渡輪,電車,路線資訊
– 路邊停車位位置
– 香港油站位置
– 過海的士站位置
– 香港公廁地理位置
– 支援GPS和街景,輕鬆預覽街道樣子
– 支援中英文界面
– 支援 Today Extension, 下拉畫面會有"搜尋路線", "附近巴士站" 和 "行車時間現時" 的快速按鈕直接打開應用程式
– "自動讀",打開交通消息頁面,當有新消息,就會讀出
– 點擊主頁的現時天氣文字,會讀出現時天氣及兩小時內交通消息
– 匯出匯入cctv書簽,用作備份或回覆


=== 實時交通新聞 ===



=== 關於此應用 ===

=== 統計 ===

=== 免責聲明: ===
對於用戶來說,您明確瞭解並同意:這個應用程序的內容是由第三方提供(e.g. 政府資料一線通數據集),內容無法控制。資料的使用是需要您自擔風險。


If you are resident to Hong Kong especially drivers, this app will definitely helps, especially when you need to check traffic status, find bus stops, etc.


– Customizable front page with your favourite cameras
– Real Time Hong Kong Traffic CCTV Snapshot
– Real Time Traffic News
– All routes and stops Information for Buses
– All routes info. for Green mini buses, Ferries, Trams
– On-street parking locations
– Petrol stations locations
– Cross harbour taxi stands location
– Support GPS and Street View on google map
– Support Chinese and English interface

Note: Lite Version only provide four camera bookmarks slot

=== Real Time Traffic CCTV Snapshot ===
The traffic snapshot images are captured by the closed circuit televisions (CCTV) installed at 180 locations of major roads in Hong Kong for you to visualise the latest traffic conditions, updates every two minutes

=== Real time traffic news ===
Click the news, and it would automatically read out

=== Buses routes and stops Info ===
You won't miss to get off at the right bus stop by using the user tracking function

=== Support GPS and Street View ===
With GPS, you can locate all the stops easily.
With a single click on the location, you can see the street and preview how the place look like.

=== About this App ===
As one of the users, our primary purpose is to make a very user friendly app for traffic information. However, we still rely on data published by the Gov. We welcome any suggestion to make this a better app.

=== Statistics ===
Number of CCTV : 179
Number of on street parkings : 1714
Number of gas stations : 190
Number of LPG stations : 60
Number of cross harbour taxi stands : 33
Number of transport routes: 1367
Number of transport stops: 33323

=== Disclaimer: ===
For users, you expressly understand and agree that: the content of this application are contributed by third party(e.g. Gov Data.One dataset ) and in respect of which those has no control. Use of information are at your own risk.

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